2017. goodness gracious

Remember back around New Years when we were all “2016 has been the worst EVER” and then remember a few weeks later when we were like “jk sorry I spoke this is new levels of awful,” well I’m the poster child for that regret. To be fair, things could be much worse than they are so #blessed and #grateful for sure, but jesus 2017- cut a girl some slack.

Here are the upsides:

Visitors! The first few months have been full of wonderful visitors, most recently… my momma! She came to visit and we had an absolute blast. A trip to the circus, days walking around farmers market and gardens, beach walks, and yummy meals were in no short supply. img_4719-1

Also, my Seattle trip was awesome! I had a flight voucher that was about the expire and made an impromptu trip out west and it was everything I’d hoped. I connected with Tom and Sue and got to spend a day in Bellingham aaaand then spent another day-ish in Seattle. Things were cloudy but felt great and after a certain amount of time in Florida it’s always good to remember that the wonders of the west still exist. fullsizerender-3

I’m back in Florida now though with the recent excitement winding down and things are back to limbo. For those that don’t know, I brought in the new year with crutches, a huge helping of anxiety,  officially losing my job, and about $1,200 in car problems that decided now was a good time. This is just my 2017- as privileged, white, non-immigrant. img_4639

There is hope in sight though, which isn’t always the case when everything hits the fan, so that’s a pro. There is still potential for everything to work out okay, so I’m clinging to that as long as I can. The next month should be full of long-awaited answers and insight into the next year, so anyone’s extra finger-crossing would be much appreciated! img_4702

Happy March everyone and God bless the rest of 2017 (no seriously God, consider it please).

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